How to buy $CATZILLA from desktop if you don't have a wallet
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Looking to buy $CATZILLA tokens during the presale but don’t have a crypto wallet? Don’t worry! Our beginner-friendly guide will teach you how to install MetaMask on your desktop, set up and secure your wallet, and purchase $CATZILLA using a credit card.
What is MetaMask?
MetaMask is the most popular crypto wallet in the world. It works with the majority of popular blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, etc. - over a hundred in total.
You can use MetaMask as a browser extension or on a smartphone as an app. We will show how to add MetaMask to Chrome.
MetaMask allows you to:
Store, send, and receive crypto;
Buy crypto with a bank card right in the wallet. You won’t need crypto to buy $CATZILLA tokens, though, because the Catzilla Presale site already has an integration with the fiat payment service Münzen.
Swap (trade) one cryptocurrency for another;
Store NFTs;
View your transaction history and much more.
Now that we’ve got the basics down, it’s time to create your first MetaMask wallet. Ready? Let’s go!
Part 1: install MetaMask in Chrome
Go to the MetaMask extension page in Chrome.
Click on Add to Chrome.
In the popup that opens, click Add Extension. Don’t worry about the warnings that MetaMask “can read and change your data on websites” or “modify data you copy and paste”: the wallet won’t do any harm to your computer! It definitely won’t steal any passwords or anything like that.
Once the extension installation is complete, a new MetaMask page will open in Chrome. Check the box “I agree to MetaMask’s Terms of Use”, and the blue “Create a new wallet” button will become active.
Part 2: Create a new wallet
Click on the blue button that says “Create a new wallet” and then on “I agree” in the next window.
Think of a strong password of at least 8 characters. DON’T USE PASSWORDS THAT YOU COMMONLY USE FOR OTHER WEBSITES AND SERVICES. If hackers steal your password for another app, such as Instagram, and gain remote access to your computer, they might try to use that password to get into MetaMask, too.
Make sure you save this password in a safe location because there is no way to recover it if you lose it.
Enter your password in the “New Password” and “Confirm Password” fields and check the box “I understand that MetaMask cannot recover this password for me”.
(There is an option to reset a lost password, but only as long as you have the secret phrase, which you’ll obtain in the next step.)
Click on the “Create a new wallet” button. On the next page, watch the short video about security.
Don’t skip the video! Thousands of beginner users have their crypto stolen for one simple reason: they give away their secret phrase to a scammer. The video will explain how to keep the secret phrase (seed phrase) safe.
Click on “Secure my wallet”. On the next page, click on “Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase”.
Write down the secret phrase and/or click on Copy to Clipboard and save it in a safe location, such as the password manager.
We recommend that you make several backup copies of the secret phrase - for example, in a password manager and on a few pieces of paper that you can hide around your house.
DON’T save the secret phrase in an email, messenger, etc. Hackers could get access to it and steal your crypto.
Click on Next. Now MetaMask will check if you have indeed saved the secret phrase. Insert only the missing words to form the complete recovery phrase, with all the words in the right order.
(If you accidentally click Next before saving the secret phrase, close everything, open MetaMask again, and create a new wallet from scratch. Make sure to save the recovery phrase this time!)
In this example, you’ll need to go through the recovery phrase you’ve just saved and count words to find the 3rd, 4th, and 8th words. Once you’ve entered the missing words, the blue Confirm button will become active. Click on it.
If you entered the words correctly, you’ll see a Wallet Creation Successful message.
DO READ the warnings about the secret phrase. They are important!
Click on the blue “Got It!” button. You’ll see a “Your MetaMask install is complete!” message.
Click “Next” and, on the next page, on “Done”.
If you see a popup about MetaMask Snaps, close it.
Finally - you have a MetaMask wallet! We recommend that you pin MetaMask in Chrome so that you always have it at hand. To do this, click on the Manage Extensions icon in the top right and on the pin icon next to MetaMask.
Now you’ll always be able to open MetaMask by clicking on the cute fox icon in Chrome’s extensions panel.
Wallet creation has complited , congrats Time to buy some $CATZILLA!